Teriyaki Chicken Recipe

Teriyaki chicken Japan is one of the world’s greatest nations when regarded in light of the
variety of dishes that it has to offer. It is with this in mind that one
should consider preparing meals that have their origin from this great
nation. One particular dish that can be borrowed from the nation is
Teriyaki chicken. Below is the Japanese Recipe for this great dish.


1. 3/4 lbs of chicken thighs or breasts
2. Two tablespoons of Sake
3. Four tablespoons of Soy Sauce
4. Two tablespoons of Sugar
5. Four tablespoons of Mirin
6. Grated Ginger

Once you have all these products in place, then
you are all set to begin the preparation. The first thing that you need
to do is to poke the chicken parts using a fork. Mix the other
ingredients in a medium size bowl and then marinate the chicken for 15
minutes in the refrigerator. You should then put some oil on a pan and
use medium heat to fry the chicken. Once the chicken turns brownish in
color, you can use the marinating sauce to cover it and then steam the
chicken on medium heat until it is ready.

One of the reasons why
this dish is considered great is that it is able to provide a wide range
of nutrients to the person who consumes it. Teriyaki chicken provides
the body with proteins, carbohydrates and vitamins. This Japanese Recipe
is also popular because of the wide range of dishes that can be taken
alongside it. Fried vegetables and rice can be some of the most amazing
dishes to take alongside the dish. Some people may also prefer to take
the dish with mashed potatoes or Broccoli.